Corporate website of Orient Corporation

Corporate Information

About the company name and logo

Origin of the company name

164	Orient:日の出、めざす方向を表しています Corporation:人材の集まりを意味しています 理想の現実に向かって進む、活気と温かみのある人間集団に徹するという決意を意味しています	Orient: Orient expresses the notion of sunrise and aligning oneself to a particular orientation. Corporation: Corporation expresses the notion of talent coming together. Our company name conveys our resolve to form vibrant and warm groups of fellow human beings, forging ahead to make ideals a reality.

About the logo

The logo conveys our corporate approach that involves youthful vibrancy, great strides, mutual trust, and warmth.

Meaning of the logo “◎”

The double circle conveys the notion of the powerful fiery sun emitting circular white flames.
It symbolizes Orico’s corporate approach to energetically making great strides by developing substantial innovations from new ideas that emerge from the white flames.

About the corporate color

The logo “◎” is depicted in orange.
Orico orange is meant to convey the warmth and passion of a loved and trusted person.