Corporate website of Orient Corporation

Investor Relations(IR)

Financial & performance data
(Key indicators & figures)

Key indicators and figures, and credit ratings

1.Key business indicators (Consolidated)

  Fiscal year ended Mar.31, 2019 Fiscal year ended Mar.31, 2020 Fiscal year ended Mar.31, 2021*4 Fiscal year ended Mar.31, 2022 Fiscal year ended Mar.31, 2023 Fiscal year ended Mar.31, 2024
Operating revenues (Millions of yen) 233,369 243,135 229,793 229,806 227,693 229,054
Ordinary profit (Millions of yen) 21,964 24,439 22,553 28,994 23,070 16,118
Profit attributable to owners of parent (Millions of yen) *1 28,877 20,654 19,695 19,476 19,035 12,571
Net assets(Millions of yen) 256,468 251,569 228,464 216,837 229,775 245,683
Total assets(Millions of yen) 5,542,940 5,584,777 2,505,831 2,472,174 2,413,949 3,147,643
Net assets per share(Yen)*1 1192.70 1253.90 1199.00 1,249.79 1,324.44 1,388.79
Dividends per share of common stock(Yen) 20 30 30 30 40 40
Basic earnings per share(Yen)*1 *2 151.90 108.50 105.40 105.54 110.92 73.30
Equity ratio (%) 4.6 4.5 9.0 8.7 9.4 7.6
Return on equity (%)*3 11.2 8.1 8.9 8.8 8.6 5.4
Dividend payout ratio (%) 13.2 27.7 28.5 28.4 36.1 54.7
Number of employees
[Outside, average number of temporary employees]

*1 The Company implemented a consolidation of shares of its common stock at a rate of one share for every ten shares on October 1, 2022.
Book value per share, and basic earnings per share are calculated as though the consolidation of shares took effect at the beginning of the previous fiscal year.
*2 Undiluted earnings per share are stated.
*3 The average of shareholder’s equity at the end of the previous fiscal year and the end of the current fiscal year is used to calculate return on equity.
*4 Each figure for the fiscal year ended March 31, 2021 has been retrospectively adjusted due to changes in accounting policies.
*5 Changes have been made to the accounting policies for “Accounts receivable (installment sales, credit guarantee)” and “Accounts payable (credit guarantee)”. The changes have been applied retroactively from the fiscal year ending March 2021.

2.Key business indicators (Non-consolidated)

  Fiscal year ended Mar.31, 2019 Fiscal year ended Mar.31, 2020 Fiscal year ended Mar.31, 2021*4 Fiscal year ended Mar.31, 2022 Fiscal year ended Mar.31, 2023 Fiscal year ended Mar.31, 2024
Operating revenues (Millions of yen) 212,207 225,667 208,939 199,418 190,894 187,891
Operating profit (Millions of yen) 18,102 26,269 18,999 20,097 13,620 16,530
Profit attributable to owners of parent (Millions of yen) *1 25,552 23,976 16,165 14,797 13,418 11,364
Paid-in capital (Millions of yen) 150,044 150,051 150,067 150,069 150,075 150,075
Net assets (Millions of yen) 232,554 235,443 193,878 181,790 189,901 193,606
Total assets (Millions of yen) 5,452,817 5,492,852 2,404,224 2,347,118 2,239,545 2,522,357
Net assets per share (Yen)*1 105.45 116.12 100.96 1058.98 1107.12 1128.70
Basic earnings per share (Yen)*1 *2 13.25 12.78 8.48 78.28 78.19 66.25
Equity ratio (%) 4.3 4.3 8.1 7.7 8.5 7.7
Return on equity (%)*3 11.0 10.2 8.2 7.9 7.2 5.9
Number of employees
[Outside, average number of temporary employees]

*1 The Company implemented a consolidation of shares of its common stock at a rate of one share for every ten shares on October 1, 2022.
Book value per share, and basic earnings per share are calculated as though the consolidation of shares took effect at the beginning of the previous fiscal year.
*2 Undiluted earnings per share are stated.
*3 The average of shareholder’s equity at the end of the previous fiscal year and the end of the current fiscal year is used to calculate return on equity.
*4 Each figure for the fiscal year ended March 31, 2021 has been retrospectively adjusted due to changes in accounting policies.
*5 Changes have been made to the accounting policies for “Accounts receivable (installment sales, credit guarantee)” and “Accounts payable (credit guarantee)”. The changes have been applied retroactively from the fiscal year ending March 2021.

Financial & performance data