Corporate website of Orient Corporation


External Recognition

Inclusion in ESG Indices and Scorings

MSCI Nihonkabu ESG Select Leaders Index
MSCI Japan Empowering Women Index (WIN)

We have been selected as a constituent of the “MSCI Japan ESG Select Leaders Index” and the “MSCI Japan Empowering Women (WIN) Select Index”, indices developed by Morgan Stanley Capital International (MSCI) Inc.

2024 CONSTITUENT MSCI日本株 MSCI日本株ESGセレクト・リーダーズ指数

“MSCI Nihonkabu ESG Select Leaders Index”
This index is constructed by selecting companies that have excellent ESG ratings with target coverage of 50% of constituents within each Global Industry Classification Standard (GICS®) sector of the parent index (MSCI Nihonkabu IMI Index).

2023 CONSTITUENT MSCI日本株 女性活躍指数(WIN)

MSCI Japan Empowering Women Index (WIN)
This index is constructed for companies that are leading in terms of gender diversity within their GICS® sectors of the parent index.

  • *Orient Corporation’s inclusion in the MSCI Indexes or use of the MSCI logo, trademark, service mark or index names does not constitute sponsorship, guarantee, or promotion of Orient Corporation by MSCI or its affiliates. MSCI Indexes are the exclusive property of MSCI. The MSCI and MSCI Index names and logos are trademarks or service marks of MSCI or its affiliates.

S&P/JPX Carbon Efficient Index

This index uses the Tokyo Stock Price Index (TOPIX), a representative stock price index that shows trends in the Japanese market, as universe. It decides weighting of constituents with focuses on a disclosure status of environmental information and levels of carbon efficiency (carbon emissions per unit of revenue).

Morningstar Japan ex-REIT Gender Diversity Tilt Index

This index utilizes the data and scoring methodology of Equileap and emphasizes the stocks of companies that have strong gender diversity policies embedded in their corporate culture and that ensure equal opportunities to employees, irrespective of their gender.



CDP is one of the world’s leading ESG rating organizations for corporate greenhouse gas emissions reduction and climate change strategies. CDP evaluates and discloses information on activities for greenhouse gas reduction and initiatives on climate change mitigation that are taken by the world’s top companies by market capitalization.
We submitted a response to the “CDP Climate Change 2023 Questionnaire”, and were rated Score B as a scoring result.

External Certifications and Ratings

DX Certification


On March 1, 2023, Orico acquired "DX Certification" as defined by the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry.
The "DX Certification" is a system in which the government certifies companies that are ready to transform their own business (DX-Ready) in the promotion of DX.
In obtaining this certification, the company was recognized for its promotion of a company-wide DX strategy through the establishment of a DX Promotion Division, and for the fact that it has already begun full-scale initiatives with the goal of developing 3,000 DX-promoting human resources, almost all of whom will be full-time employees, by the end of FY2024.

Received DBJ Health Management Rating


In March 2019, we received the "DBJ Health Management Rating" (DBJ Health Rating) from the Development Bank of Japan Inc. in recognition of our "outstanding efforts to take into account the health of employees".

Career Ownership Management AWARD 2024

2024 Career Ownership Management Award 優秀賞

We received an “award for excellence” (in the large companies category) in the “Career Ownership Management AWARD 2024” which widely seeks companies aiming for “career ownership management”, praises their activities, and recognizes companies that have excellent output and achievements to be popularized especially.

PRIDE Index 2023

Work with Pride Gold 2023

We won the highest rating of “Gold” for the fifth consecutive year in the “PRIDE Index 2023” which is an index for rating initiatives on sexual minorities including LGBTQ+ people in workplaces.

D&I Award 2023

D&I AWARD BEST WORKPLACE for diversity & inclusion 2022

We were certified as the highest rating of “BEST WORKPLACE for diversity & inclusion” under the “D&I Award 2023” (550 participating companies) of JobRainbow Co., Ltd., as a company that is driving D&I promotion in Japan as a role model.

Platinum Kurumin Plus

プラチナくるみん 子育てサポートしています プラス 不妊治療と仕事との両立もサポートしています

We obtained the “Platinum Kurumin Plus” certification from the Director of Tokyo Labor Bureau, as a company that works on excellent support for childcare and support for the balance of work and infertility treatment based on the Act on Advancement of Measures to Support Raising Next-Generation Children.


We obtained a symbol mark (nicknamed “TOMONIN”), which can be used by companies that have registered their nursing care support system initiatives with the “Support for Balancing Work and Nursing Care” website operated by the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare and are working to create a workplace environment where employees can balance work and nursing care.