Human Capital Strategy and Human Capital Management
We have positioned " Human Resources Strategy" as an important pillar of our management foundation in our medium-term management plan in order to realize sustainable enhancement of corporate value, and we recognize that investment in human capital is one of the most important management issues, especially in the area of human resource development.
We define our " Human Capital Management" as our efforts to invest in our employees through education and learning support to improve their skills, expertise, productivity, and creativity, and to create an environment and structure that allows employees to maximize their abilities and facilitate innovation as an organization and team. By investing in human capital, we aim to increase the value of our human resources by encouraging each employee to learn and take on challenges proactively, and to maximize their performance by leveraging their individuality and strengths, thereby enhancing our corporate value.
While taking into consideration the above concepts, we have established 6 priorities for execution in our "Human Resources Strategy".
Key Implementation Initiatives

In executing our Human Resources Strategy, we have established a "Human Resources Vision" and, as a dual effort to realize this vision, a "Desired Talent Profile" and a "Human Resources Management Policy" that encourages and supports reform of mindset and conduct as part of the company's commitment. When considering these principles, we aimed to evolve Orico's corporate identity in a developmental and future-oriented manner, taking into account values that should be retained and restored as we seek to create value through innovation and improvement among employees, while taking into consideration the manner to conduct ourselves with an emphasis on social norms.
Click here for the " Human Resources Basic Policy", which includes the "Human Resources Vision", "Desired Talent Profile", and "Human Resources Vision".
We have also established the " Inclusion and Diversity Basic Policy" based on the philosophy in which accepting and fully harnessing the different ideas, perspectives, and values of each and every employee will enhance employee engagement and improve our competitiveness, thereby increasing our corporate value.
Based on this basic policy, we have formulated an action plan and are implementing various initiatives, including training to raise the level of consciousness of all employees, including those at the top management level, a training program to promote female directors and department managers, networking among experienced hires, and providing opportunities to interact with the external community.
The progress of our initiatives related to Human Resources Strategy and Inclusion & Diversity has been reported to the Board of Directors and the President and Representative Director in September 2023.
Click here for the Inclusion and Diversity Basic Policy.
Human Resources Development and Corporate Training and Education
In order to realize sustainable enhancement of corporate value, we have positioned " Human Resources Strategy" as an important pillar of our management foundation in our medium-term management plan, and we recognize that investment in human capital is one of the most important management priorities. By investing in human capital, we aim to increase the value of our human resources by encouraging each employee to learn and take on challenges proactively, and to maximize their performance by leveraging their individuality and strengths, thereby enhancing our corporate value.
Training and Development Framework
To enhance the human capital value of each employee, we systematically conduct various training programs and online learning focused on thorough fundamental education, autonomous career development, and skill development.
Initiatives include the "Career Development Operation", supporting employees in their autonomous career development, and the "Promotion Training", nurturing the necessary abilities and skills for managerial positions.
Additionally, we offer opportunities for employees to acquire job-related knowledge through "Internal Online Learning" as well as opportunities to participate in "e-Learning, External Seminars, and Workshops" to pursue self-improvement and achieve their envisioned career paths.
Employee Training
- Induction Program
We provide on-the-job training (OJT) and group training so that they can acquire fundamental business skills as members of society and knowledge required as our employee that expands its business into various fields. OJT enables new hires to acquire job-specific skills under the guidance of education trainers at their assigned stores. Group training covers a wide range of knowledge related to job functions and includes three types of training for new hires, foundational strengthening and self-directed career, and follow-up.
During the six months after joining us, they experience operations at sales branch rotation training. Then, they report “desired job types” and are assigned officially in October. - Age-specific and Level-specific Training
We conduct management training aimed at learning and enhancing management skills required for managers (such as training for new General Managers and Deputy General Managers and training for Senior Managers), and operational training per business division aimed at learning knowledge required for operations and improving skills. As age-specific career training, we also support self-directed career development of employees while offering an opportunity to think about realizing careers that are suitable for their aims or growth/life stages. - Development of Transformational Leaders and Management Talent
We offer the “Core Management Mission Development Program” which encourages change leaders driving innovative leading companies to conduct necessary reforms of awareness and behavior. We are focusing on mastering awareness and behavior patterns for learning and challenging voluntarily and continuously. Toward developing sustainable management talent and its successors, we conduct training for top levels regularly under a wide range of themes.

Employee Career Design
To support employees in envisioning their own career paths and taking proactive actions towards their realization, we implement career development operations.
- Career Training: Through group training, employees have the opportunity to reflect on their past experiences and consider their future careers.
- Internal and External Job Application System: This system allows employees to apply for internal positions, departments, group companies, and external training opportunities (domestic and international) that they are interested in. This system is conducted twice a year and provides fair opportunities for pursuing specialized skills. We also offer a program called "External Second Jobs," where employees can gain various insights through work experience in external startup companies while remaining employed with us. We conduct recruitment for this program four times a year. Through these initiatives, we foster a culture of autonomous career development.
③Self-Declaration System: This system allows employees to declare their desired positions, departments, and experiences they want to gain in the future. Each employee reflects on their past experiences, understands their strengths and weaknesses, and considers their future career vision. They then share their career vision with their supervisors to facilitate progression to the next stage of their careers. - Self-Declaration System: This system allows employees to declare their desired positions, departments, and experiences they want to gain in the future. Each employee reflects on their past experiences, understands their strengths and weaknesses, and considers their future career vision. They then share their career vision with their supervisors to facilitate progression to the next stage of their careers.
- Domestic and International Trainee Programs: We dispatch employees as trainees to various companies in Japan to acquire specialized skills as well as our group company in the Philippines where they learn global business management. The experiences gained through these programs are applied to our company's business operations.
Employee Self-Development Support
To support individual skill development, we provide various educational support programs.
- Internal Online Learning: As an online learning program with the purpose of cultivating knowledge required for work, we provide four entry-level online courses (revenue management, basics of law, credit card, and financial analysis).
- Subsidizing External Seminar Fees: We support employees' autonomous skill development by facilitating their participation in external seminars and workshops. Actively engaging with individuals outside the company provides opportunities for not only developing skills but also gaining valuable insights. We support attendance at seminars and workshops nationwide in various areas, such as management, business skills, and interpersonal skills. (Part of the cost is subsidized by the company)
- e-Learning: To achieve employees' career visions, we have introduced "Udemy Business" as a platform for self-directed learning of a wide range of business skills and knowledge, and we are creating an environment that enables reskilling and upskilling. We provide access to "Udemy Business" not only for regular employees but also for contract employees, part-timers, and employees of group companies. Additionally, we offer online learning content such as "GLOBIS Learning Unlimited," "Schoo," and "flier," and the company partially covers the costs of attending these programs.
- Language Learning Support: We provide support for English language learning to maintain and enhance our employees' language skills. The company partially covers the costs of online English conversation lessons and TOEIC preparation materials.
- Encouragement of Certification Acquisition: We support employees in obtaining public certifications and certifications necessary for their work by providing financial assistance. This includes qualifications such as Licensed Lending Business Manager, Personal Information Protection Manager, Creditor, and Credit Debt Management Specialist, as well as career-enhancing qualifications like IT Passport, Business Law and Practice Certification, Financial Planner (FP) Certification, TOEIC, and Moshi Moshi Certification.
Goal Management System
To achieve organizational goals and promote employees' autonomous will to try new things and develop, we have implemented a "Goal Management System." When setting goals, employees base their medium- to long-term objectives on the "Organizational Mission," which is closely related to key strategies in the management plan. By setting and pursuing goals that lead to transformation and improvement in their own work over a period of 2-3 years, we aim to enhance employees' motivation and performance.
President × Expert: Dialogue
- President × Expert: Dialogue
- This page features a dialogue between the President and the expert on sustainability management.
Sustainability Management
- Sustainability Management
- In this page, we introduce our sustainability management, the sustainability basic policy, materiality and other information.
Value Creation Process
- Value Creation Process
- This page introduces our Value Creation Process.
ESG Information
- ESG Information
- This page is a directory of our Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) information. This page provides intuitive navigation to the information you are looking for on our sustainability management initiatives.
Social contribution activities
- Social contribution activities
- Here, we introduce our approach to social contribution and the results of our activities.
ESG Data
- ESG Data
- This page provides a range of ESG data on our sustainability management performance.
External Recognition
- External Recognition
- This page presents an external evaluation on our sustainability management initiatives.