Activities that support employment of individuals with disabilities
In-house sales event
At our headquarters and annex, we regularly hold in-house sales events in collaboration with organizations that do employment support work for individuals with disabilities.
Through the selling of products to employees, local residents, and other stakeholders, we aim to raise awareness for the activities of our partner organizations, in addition to engaging more with our local community. Since October 2020, we've been introducing these organizations' online shops at our company and conducting sales events.
Moving forward, we will continue contributing to supporting the employment of individuals with disabilities.
President × Expert: Dialogue
- President × Expert: Dialogue
- This page features a dialogue between the President and the expert on sustainability management.
Sustainability Management
- Sustainability Management
- In this page, we introduce our sustainability management, the sustainability basic policy, materiality and other information.
Value Creation Process
- Value Creation Process
- This page introduces our Value Creation Process.
ESG Information
- ESG Information
- This page is a directory of our Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) information. This page provides intuitive navigation to the information you are looking for on our sustainability management initiatives.
Social contribution activities
- Social contribution activities
- Here, we introduce our approach to social contribution and the results of our activities.
ESG Data
- ESG Data
- This page provides a range of ESG data on our sustainability management performance.
External Recognition
- External Recognition
- This page presents an external evaluation on our sustainability management initiatives.