Corporate Information
About Orient Corporation
Corporate Information
Corporate information top page
- Corporate information top page
- Corporate information on Orient Corporation
President’s Message
- President’s Message
- President and Representative Director explains Orient Corporation’s management policy.
Corporate Philosophy
- Corporate Philosophy
- Orient Corporation’s Vision, Policy and Code of Conduct
Management Policies
- Management Policies
- This page provides an overview of our basic management policies
Corporate Governance/Risk Management/Compliance
- Corporate Governance/Risk Management/Compliance
- Introducing Orient Corporation's corporate governance/risk management/compliance.
Corporate Overview
- Corporate Overview
- Basic information regarding Orient Corporation, including its organization of head office, access information, management and history
Orico in Figures
- Orico in Figures
- Quantitative information on businesses of Orient Corporation
Growth Strategy
- Growth Strategy
- Orient Corporation's strategies and initiatives to contribute to society and enhance corporate value.
Business Overview
- Business Overview
- Orient Corporation’s operations including its auto loans, shopping credit, and credit cards business segments