Corporate website of Orient Corporation


Realizing a decarbonized society

We have set "Achieving a Decarbonized and Circular Society" as one of the priority materiality issues to address, and we are committed to reducing GHG emissions in our business operations. Additionally, we are working towards realizing a low-carbon and circular society by utilizing our business expertise and creating new business opportunities.

Environmental Data

Environmental Impact

Performance Data

Environmental Accounting

To reduce the environmental impact of our business activities, we have introduced environmental accounting based on the "Environmental Accounting Guidelines 2005" issued by the Ministry of the Environment, which will allow us to quantitatively understand the costs and effects of our environmental conservation activities.

■Reporting Period:
FY 2021 (April 1, 2021, to March 31, 2022)
FY 2022 (April 1, 2022, to March 31, 2023)
■Scope of Reporting:
Orient Corporation (standalone)

Environmental protection costs (in thousands of yen)

Classifications Main initiatives 2021 2022 Year-on-year increase or decrease
Investments Costs Investments Costs Investments Costs
Costs within the areas of the business operations Replacement with energy-saving equipments and computers, as well as waste disposals 709,023 576,480 270,537 190,618 ▲438,486 ▲385,862
Upstream and downstream costs Costs incurred for environmental friendly purchases 0 4,418 0 5,066 0 648
Administrative activity costs Disclosure of environmental information 0 11,657 0 38,750 0 27,093
Social activity costs Environment-related donations 0 15,705 0 18,260 0 2,555
Total 709,023 608,260 270,537 252,694 ▲438,486 ▲355,566

Environmental protection effects

Classifications Measurement Items Unit 2021 2022 Environmental protection effects
Resources input into business activities City Gas Thousand m³ 546 545 ▲1
Petroleum gas t 1 1 0
Kerosene Kl 2 2 0
Electric power Thousand kWh 22,836 20,382 ▲2,454
Steam GJ 1,451 359 ▲1,092
Hot water GJ 358 339 ▲19
Cold water GJ 537 595 58
Others GJ 66 72 6
Total energy input Calorific value GJ 251,514 226,082 ▲25,432
Environmental impact and waste emitted from business activities Greenhouse gas emissions t-CO2 11,619 10,764 ▲855

Environmental Data

Energy consumption based on the Energy Conservation Act

  2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 Average change in basic unit
over 5 fiscal years
Energy consumption (kl) 7,820 6,905 6,709 6,489 5,833 6,751
Basic unit for energy use
Year on year (%)
96.0 97.4 100.1 98.6 91.6 96.7
Reduction rate (%) ▲4.0 ▲2.6 0.1 ▲1.4 ▲8.4 ▲3.3

Scope of data collection: Kojimachi Head Office, Head Office Annex, Tsurugashima Building, and others (including tenants)

Saitama Prefecture Ordinance on Promotion of Global Warming Countermeasures (Targeted Emissions Trading System: 3rd Plan Period/FY2020-FY2024)

①Obligations imposed on our company
Reduce CO2 emissions by 22% from the base emissions (reduction of CO2 emissions at target sites during the reduction plan period)

Target site Reduction Plan Period Base emissions (unit year) Reduction rate Single-year emission potential
Head Office Annex Building FY2020 - FY2024 6,286t ▲22% 4,903t

②Performance against reduction obligations

  2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 Total for 3rd plan period
Base emissions (t) 6,286 6,286 6,286 18,858
Emissions for the year (t) 4,980 4,963 4,277 14,220
Reduction (t) 1,306 1,323 2,009 4,638
Reduction rate (%) ▲20.8 ▲21.1 ▲32.0 ▲24.6

Reducing electricity consumption and CO2 emissions

To reduce electricity consumption and CO2 emissions, we are working within the company to do what we can in our immediate surroundings. As a specified business operator under the Energy Conservation Act, we are working to reduce electricity consumption by 1% or more per year. In addition, as a site subject to the Saitama Prefectural Ordinance on the Promotion of Measures to Cope with Global Warming and Targeted Emissions Transaction System, we are actively working to reduce energy consumption and CO2 emissions.

We are promoting company-wide energy conservation through casual biz, reducing the air conditioning load by applying light-shielding film to the windows of the head office building, reducing the use of ceiling lights and turning off lights, switching to LED lighting in our own buildings, and setting office equipment to energy-saving mode.
In addition to promoting the use of eco-cars in company vehicles, efforts are being made to reduce CO2 emissions by reducing the total number of company vehicles, reducing the amount of petrol used, and reducing mileage by promoting online sales.

Environmental considerations through business

Environmental Business

Key Initiatives

  1. Promoting the use of renewable energies
    We support the introduction of environmentally friendly solar power generation systems through credits such as the eco Solar Loan.
  2. Social contribution cards
    The Social Contribution Card is a system whereby a portion of the amount spent is donated to partner organisations without any burden on the cardholder. The aim is to solve social issues and help create a sustainable society through the use of the card.

  3. Web明細

    Web statements
    By switching to web statements (stop mailing service), we are contributing to environmental conservation by eliminating paper billing statements (each statement reduces CO2 emissions by approximately 500 grams).

  4. Sustainability Linked Finance (loans and bonds)
    Sustainability-linked finance (loans/bonds) is a generic term for commercial credits whose financial and structural characteristics may change in accordance with the achievement of Sustainability Performance Targets ("SPTs"), which are targets that are aligned with a company's sustainability strategy.
    The Orico Sustainability Linked Finance Framework has been developed as a financing tool to promote the resolution of social and environmental challenges. This provides for flexible financing of Sustainability Linked Loans or Sustainability Linked Bonds.
    For more information, please see the following web page

Alignment with TCFD recommendations

In 2017, the Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD) published its recommendations, calling for companies to disclose their understanding of climate change risks and opportunities, as well as their strategies for alignment. In Japan, the importance of disclosing non-financial information aligned with the TCFD recommendations was further emphasized in the Corporate Governance Code. Recognizing the significance of climate-related financial disclosures, our company supports the TCFD recommendations and is actively working towards disclosing information in line with the TCFD's recommended areas of "Governance", "Strategy", "Risk Management", and "Metrics and Targets" concerning climate-related risks and opportunities.