Corporate website of Orient Corporation


ESG Data

Summary of main initiatives and performance data reported on the Sustainability webpage.


Items 2020 2021 2022 2023
Scope 1 4,246 4,549 4,869 4,745
Scope 2(Market-Based*1) 11,647 11,506 10,709 8,956
Scope 2(Location-Based*2) 11,614 11,160 10,092 9,803
Scope 3 193,812 11,843 11,107 115,699
  • ※1:Emissions calculated by applying the emission factors of electric power companies. However, for the emissions of domestic and foreign consolidated subsidiaries, the calculation was based on the location-based approach described below.
  • ※2:Emissions calculated based on emission factors for the entire power system in Japan. For overseas subsidiaries (Thailand, the Philippines and Indonesia), figures published by IGES (Institute for Global Environmental Strategies) and the Indonesian Government were used.

To ensure the accuracy and transparency of our energy consumption and CO2 emissions data, our group have Independent Assurance Report from an independent third-party organization, SOCOTEC Certification Japan.

Area of Coverage:Scope1・2(consolidated group)and Scope3 category4・6・7(non-consolidated)

PDF:Independent Assurance ReportPDF

Items 2021 2022 2023
Energy consumption (GJ) 251,514 226,082 216,658
CO2 emissions (t-CO2) 11,619 10,764 8,954
Paper waste disposal (t) 112.6 114.7 112.9
Recycled paper waste (t) 84.0 85.4 83.7
Paper waste recycling rate (%) 74.6 74.4 74.1
Amount of noncombustible waste disposed (t) 83.7 82.7 85.0
Noncombustibles reused (t) 83.7 82.7 85.0
Noncombustible material recycling rate (%) 100.0 100.0 100.0
Copier paper purchased (A4 equivalent / 10 million sheets) consolidated 6.9 6.4 5.8
non-consolidated 5.2 4.9 4.3


Items 2021 2022 2023
Total number of employees consolidated 8,503 8,521 9,202
non-consolidated 6,032 5,819 5,585
of which male [2,110] [2,046] [1,968]
of which female [3,922] [3,773] [3,617]
Of which full-time consolidated 6,084 6,098 6,729
non-consolidated 4,247 4,133 4,045
of which male [1,698] [1,649] [1,620]
of which female [2,549] [2,484] [2,425]
Of which temporary consolidated 2,419 2,423 2,473
non-consolidated 1,785 1,686 1,540
of which male [412] [397] [348]
of which female [1,373] [1,289] [1,192]
Average number of non-regular employees dispatched employees 86 94 54
Number of non-regular employees and temporary employees converted to regular employees total 8 12 4
male 0 0 0
female 8 12 4
Percentage of female full-time employees (%) non-consolidated 47.4 47.5 47.4
domestic group companies 66.0 66.6 65.9
Number of Employees with Disabilities total 87 87 81
male 59 55 51
female 28 32 30
Employment rate of persons with disabilities (%) total 2.42 2.54 2.42
Number of new hires in Japan total 114 159 183
male 67 81 91
female 47 78 92
Number of new graduate hires in Japan total 99 104 95
male 56 56 63
female 43 48 32
Number of experienced hires in Japan total 15 55 88
male 11 25 28
female 4 30 60
Number of foreign employees in Japan total 6 6 8
male 4 5 5
female 2 1 3
Number of new hires of foreign employees total 3 2 2
male 3 2 1
female 0 0 1
Number of rehired retirees total 66 55 41
male 46 31 15
female 20 24 26
Number of managers total 1,175 1,395 1,386
male 900 1,030 1,003
female 275 365 383
Number of newly appointed managers total 64 91 133
male 45 57 116
female 19 34 17
Male-to-female ratio at managerial level (%) male 76.6 73.8 72.4
female 23.4 26.2 27.6
Ratio of female managers (%) general manager and equivalent 4.4 6.7 11.6
section manager and above 23.4 26.2 27.6
Number of employees belonging to labor unions total 1,940 1,804 1,744
male 653 595 605
female 1,287 1,209 1,169
Union membership rate (%) 56.7 54.3 53.1
Average age total 41.9 42.4 42.5
male 42.3 42.7 43.1
female 41.6 42.0 41.9
Average length of service total 16.7 16.9 16.9
male 16.7 17.0 17.2
female 16.6 16.8 16.6
Average annual salary Including bonuses and overtime wages 5,946,258 6,066,605 6,127,568
Wage differential between male and female workers (%) total - 42.6 44.7
of which regular employee - 48.5 48.9
of which part-time/fixed-term employee - 47.4 50.0
Number of voluntary resignations total 208 280 212
male 77 117 95
female 131 163 117
Percentage of voluntary resignations(%) Non-consolidated 4.5 6.3 4.8
domestic group companies
3.5 3.1 5.9
Number of new graduates retained new graduates on 1 April 2021 - - 99
male - - 56
female - - 43
of which Persons in Residence on 1 April 2024 - - 63
male - - 38
female - - 25
Rate of employees taking childcare leave male 92 102 108
female 100 100 100
Number of employees taking childcare leave total 74 82 86
male 36 46 40
female 38 36 46
Average number of days of paternity leave taken male 12 5 11
Number of employees utilizing childcare reduced working hours total 233 226 221
male 1 0 0
female 232 226 221
Number of employees utilizing caregiving leave total 4 6 4
male 1 1 0
female 3 5 4
Number of employees utilizing caregiving reduced working hours total 4 5 4
male 1 1 0
female 3 4 4
Rate of paid leave utilization (%) total 66.8 69.4 70.9
Annual non-scheduled working hours total 186.10 196.06 193.39
Total annual working hours total 1,931:02 1,814:32 1,773:09
Engagement survey frequency(times/year) - 2 2
average response rate - 95.1 95.2
engagement score - B B
Stress checks participation rate(%) 91.8 95.1 96.2
Percentage of high-stress individuals (%) 13.0 12.9 11.8
Number of employees who received influenza vaccination subsidies 1,333 1,786 1,022
Number of teleworkers 1,750 1,757 1,539
Number of employees attending management and leadership development training total 162 887 1,962
male 136 793 1,452
female 26 94 510
Number of participants in career development training 179 142 169
Number of participants in Financial Services Act training company-wide training 6,156 6,059 5,826
Number of participants in Anti-Money Laundering Act training 6,156 5,926 5,826
Number of participants in Installment Sales Act training responsibility-specific Training 1,233 1,180 1,085
Number of participants in Financial Services Act training 1,142 1,125 1,038
Number of participants in Anti-Money Laundering Act training 1,174 1,140 1,065
Number of Credit Expert holders - 485 469
Number of Credit License A holders - 738 681
Number of Credit License B holders - 1,311 1,094
Number of employees receiving support for qualifications/degrees total 316 293 464
percentage of regular employees 297 273 428
percentage of part-time and non-regular employees 19 20 36
Number of internal job applications 17 80 146
Number of participants in external training/seminars 35 19 9
Annual training time per person (hours) - 43.2 38.7
Number of employees taking volunteer activities leave 4 2 1
Expenditure on social contribution activities 7,422 7,806 9,775
Expenditure from Orico Group Social Contribution Fund 500 500 600
Number of participants in social contribution program (Orico One Step Program) 1,309 1,737 1,731
Number of Payment Consultation (cases) 1,068 476 559
Merchant satisfaction survey (overall rating on a scale of 4) 3.39 3.39 3.37
Number of labor standards violations (cases) 0 0 0
Number of Professional Qualification Holders
Ceritificated chief handler of personal information 3,516
Chief of Money Lending Operations 1,801
Compliance Officer 1,549
Creditor 1,567
Senior Creditor 373
Credit Debt Management Specialist 966
Credit Counselor
(Advanced Credit Receivables Manager Certification)
Consumer Affairs Advisor(people) 12
CAP(Consumer Affairs Professional)(people) 124

*As of March 2024


Operational Performance of Principal Committees and Congressional Bodies

Ratio of Independent External Directors* Number of meetings
(average attendance ratio)
Board of Directors 38% 16
Nomination and Remuneration Committee 67% 6
Conflict of Interest Management Committee 67% -
Audit and Supervisory Committee 75% 24

*As of June 30,2024

Board of Directors Attendance status 2023 (attendance ratio)
Director Masaaki Kono 100%
Tetsuo Iimori 100%
Yoshinori Yokoyama 100%
Ichiro Watanabe 100%
Tetsuro Mizuno 100%
Chiharu Higuchi 100%
Kazumi Nishino
Independent External Director
Shigeaki Honjo
Independent External Director
Director and Audit & Supervisory Committee Yuji Fukasawa 100%
Hiroshi Nagao 100%
Naoki Ohgo
Independent External Director
Yuuki Sakurai
Independent External Director
Gan Matsui
Independent External Director
Nomination & Remuneration Committee Attendance status 2023 (attendance ratio)
Tetsuo Iimori 100%
Kazumi Nishino
Independent External Director
Naoki Ohgo
Independent External Director
Conflict of Interest Management Committee Attendance status 2023 (attendance ratio)
Tetsuo Iimori -
Naoki Ohgo
Independent External Director
Gan Matsui
Independent External Director
Audit & Supervisory Committee Attendance status 2023 (attendance ratio)
Yuji Fukasawa 100%
Hiroshi Nagao 100%
Naoki Ohgo
Independent External Director
Yuuki Sakurai
Independent External Director
Gan Matsui
Independent External Director

Compliance-related data

Items 2021 2022 2023
Number of cases reported to the Orico Helpline 56 62 81
Cases accused of bribery or corruption and cases of penalty and surcharge payment (number of cases) 0 0 0
Number of violations of code of conduct and ethics Unauthorized business activities (number of cases) 0 0 0
Security violations (number of cases) 0 0 0
Negligence in duties (number of cases) 0 3 0
Other (number of cases) 5 5 0
Disciplinary Actions (number of cases) 5 8 9
total 10 16 9
Number of human rights violations and harassment cases harassment (number of cases) 0 1 0
disciplinary Actions (number of cases) 0 1 0
ESG-related allowance (yen) 0 0 0
Amount of political donations (yen) 0 0 0
Number of participants in Compliance Top Seminar (persons) 389 First half: 395
Second half: 362
Number of participants in the Orico Group Code e-training (persons) including subsidiary employees 8,027 First half: 8,183
Second half: 8,190