Investor Relations(IR)
Annual Report 2022

The Orico Group consists of Orient Corporation (Orico or the Company), 14 consolidated subsidiaries and five associates accounted for by the equity method. The Orico Group’s main operations are consumer finance services. The Orico Group also offers a wide variety of other services to meet customers’ needs such as credit collection services, and credit-related outsourcing business. As one of the largest consumer credit companies in Japan, Orico provides installment credit services, credit cards and direct cash loans services, and bank loan guarantee services through a network of 106 domestic branches. These financial services are also available nationwide through more than 839,000 member merchants. Orico’s business dates back to 1954, when Hiroshima Coupon was founded. In 1974, all businesses were merged and succeeded by Orient Finance, the former name of Orico, which was incorporated in 1951.
- Financial HighlightsPDF [102KB]
- Message from ManagementPDF [405KB]
- TopicsPDF [259KB]
- Business ActivitiesPDF [383KB]
- Corporate GovernancePDF [118KB]
- Financial Summary / Operating Assets by BusinessPDF [52KB]
- Management’s Discussion & AnalysisPDF [156KB]
- Consolidated Balance SheetPDF [29KB]
- Consolidated Statement of IncomePDF [24KB]
- Consolidated Statement of Comprehensive IncomePDF [23KB]
- Consolidated Statement of Changes in Net AssetsPDF [28KB]
- Consolidated Statement of Cash FlowsPDF [25KB]
- Notes to Consolidated Financial StatementsPDF [162KB]
- Independent Auditor’s ReportPDF [1,131KB]
- Corporate DirectoryPDF [51KB]
- Corporate Data / Investor InformationPDF [50KB]
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