Corporate website of Orient Corporation

Corporate Information

Medium-term management plan

We have created a medium-term management plan that puts sustainability at the core of our strategy, starting from FY 2022. The plan captures significant changes in people's values and lifestyles resulting from the transition to a decarbonized and digitalized society, and strives to achieve a long-term balance between social and corporate value.

Creating our medium-term management plan

In the three-year medium-term management plan that ended in March 2022, we have pursued our fundamental policy of "Innovation for Next Orico" and worked towards rebuilding a solid profit structure and creating new business models based on six fundamental strategies.
Although we faced a tough business environment with the COVID-19 pandemic, by thoroughly implementing business based on our fundamental strategies and advancing various initiatives, we have completed the redemption of Class I preferred shares, which had long been a challenge.
On the other hand, people's values and lifestyles continue to change due to factors such as the shift to a decarbonized society caused by global climate change, and the spread of the Internet and digitalization. As these trends are expected to accelerate in the future, companies must innovate their businesses with flexible ideas that are not bound by the past.

In response to these changes in the business environment and to achieve growing both social and corporate value in the future, we have placed "sustainability" at the core of our management and formulated a medium-term management plan starting FY 2022, based on backcasting from Orico's vision of the next 10 years and our material issues.

Management objectives

Medium-term management plan slogan and management objectives

Transformation Now!
~Become a financial services group for a new era that creates value from the customer's perspective~

We have set our vision for society in 2030 as "a sustainable society in which everyone can realize a fulfilling life", and our goal as "an innovative, leading company that contributes to solving various social issues through offering customer-centric financial services". To achieve this goal, we are leveraging DX (to become an innovative and leading tech company) and promoting both CX (providing new customer experiences) and EX (offering new ways of working).
The medium-term management plan will be effective for the next 3 years, and under the slogan of "Transformation Now! - Becoming "a financial services group for a new era that creates value from the customer's perspective", we will depart from the conventional credit sales model and apply the ideas of "Green," "Digital," and "Open Innovation" to create value for our customers, and contribute to society while enhancing our corporate value.
Through these efforts, we aim to achieve our management targets of ordinary income of 40 billion yen or above, ROE of 10 percent or above, and a ratio of general expenses to operating revenues of less than 60 percent.

Our Society and Vision in 10 years (2030)

Vision for our Society A sustainable society where everyone can realize a fulfilling life
Vision of the Company An innovative and leading company that provides financial services by always being attentive and responsive to our customers, while contributing to solving various social issues

A company that is more than ever recognised by its stakeholders for its significance in society
  1. DX (Digital Transformation) Become an Innovative and Leading Tech Company
  2. CX (Customer Experience) Provide New Customer Experiences
  3. EX (Employee Experience) Offer New Ways of Working

Overview of the Medium-term Management Plan (April, 2022 - March, 2025)

We aim to operate our business by placing "sustainability" at the core of our management and strive to achieve a balance between creating social value and enhancing corporate value through our business.

Our slogan Transformation Now!
~Become a financial services group for a new era that creates value from the customer's perspective~
Milestones in 3 Years To depart from the conventional credit sales model and to apply the ideas of "Green," "Digital," and "Open Innovation" to create value for our customers, and contribute to society while enhancing our corporate value.
Business strategy Business portfolio management based on risk return and cost return
  1. Focus on key markets and explore new businesses
  2. Establish a market-in sales approach
  3. Create new products and services through collaboration with different industries and cutting-edge companies
  4. Explore process innovation
Management foundation Governance
New Human Resources Strategy
Financial discipline and capital policy Balancing soundness and profitability
New capital policy after redemption of class I preferred shares
Management Targets
(FY March 2025)
Ordinary income of 40 billion yen or above
ROE of 10 percent or above
Ratio of general expenses to operating revenues of less than 60 percent

Business portfolio management

Maximize corporate value through appropriate allocation of managerial resources

For the medium-term management plan, we analyzed the current status of each business based on the two axes of "market growth potential x competitive advantage" and "risk-return x cost-return" to clarify the future direction of the company.
By doing so, we aim to maximize corporate value by appropriately allocating managerial resources to businesses that align with our vision, generating additional capacity, and redirecting it towards growth investments in new businesses.

Business strategy

Four business strategies to become a financial services group for a new era

In our medium-term management plan, we have set the following business strategies:①Focus on key markets & explore new businesses,②Establish a market-in sales approach, ③reate new products and services through collaboration with different industries and cutting-edge companies, and④Explore process innovation. Through these four business strategies,
we aim to become "a financial services group for a new era that creates value from the customer's perspective".

Settlement and guarantee

We will strengthen the settlement and guarantee business, which shows growth potential. We will aggressively invest our managerial resources in the two pillars of our non-fund based business: rent guarantees and accounts receivables settlement guarantees.
In the rent guarantee business, we strive to become the No.1 share in the industry by introducing services that capture the trend of DX in the industry, developing business by utilizing our sales network, and strengthening relationships with management companies.
In the accounts receivable settlement guarantees business, we will respond to the increasing demand for guarantees caused by the COVID-19 pandemic and the growing need for alternative credit enhancements previously provided by wholesalers and distributors. We will establish a new Business-to-Business Solutions Department and aim to become the No.1 in the small-amount accounts receivable guarantee field.
Furthermore, we will strengthen product development related to settlement guarantees through collaboration with the Mizuho Group.

家賃決済保証 <世帯数の増加・民法改正>単身世帯増加 保証会社利用増加 総世帯数の増加はピークアウトが見込まれるものの、単身世帯の増加や保証会社利用率の高まりにより、市場成長は2030年頃までは継続する見通し<業界シェアNO.1への挑戦>業界のDX化の流れを捉えた商品・オペレーションの投入による利便性追及 全国規模での事業展開力強化による地域住宅需要の更なる掘り起し<取扱高1兆円到達>2022年3期(実績)より2025年3期(計画)では取扱高が高くなる見通し。 売掛金決済保証 <信用補完・製造直販の増加>顧客の倒産時の保証 製造・卸機能の変化 コロナにより、顧客の倒産に備えた保証ニーズは増加。小口保証の市場成長率は+5%程度で推移する見通し 製造直販の増加により、卸・流通による信用補完機能の代替ニーズを捕捉<中小規模法人向け与信ノウハウの蓄積>2022年3期(実績)より2025年3期(計画)では取扱高が高くなる見通し。<小口売掛金保証分野でNO.1>BtoBソリューション部門の新設により高付加価値商品・サービス等、最適なソリューションを提供 信用供与や決済機能提供により、地域経済活性化に貢献 <みずほ>との更なる連携 みずほ取引先の地場優良賃貸管理会社への家賃保証紹介連携を強化 みずほ中小規模取引先等(約41万社)への売掛金決済保証、Bizカード等、ビジネスソリューション提供の連携強化

Overseas Business

Overseas business is another market with high growth potential, and we have expanded into Thailand in 2015, Indonesia in 2019, and the Philippines in 2021.
In these countries, we have utilized the auto loan knowledge and skills we cultivated in Japan to contribute to the development of the automobile market in each country.
In addition, we intend to expand into new business areas, such as establishing a sales scheme for certified used vehicles, incorporating electric vehicles (EVs), introducing the supplementary products such as insurance and road services, and developing multipurpose loans and product loans secured by collateral other than vehicles.

Country year of entry future business development
Orico Auto Leasing (Thailand) Ltd.
  • Expansion of offices and development of new products in response to local customer needs
  • Expansion of offices and development of new products in response to local customer needs
  • Expand peripheral businesses such as warranties and road services Build an auto loan app, and promote DX and introduce new systems while considering the future market
Orico Auto Finance Philippines Inc.
  • Increase presence in Metro Manila by expanding the number of affiliated dealers and exploring the market
  • Investigate entering the Consumer-to-Consumer market
PT Orico Balimor Finance
  • Consider establishing a sales scheme for certified used vehicles
  • Promote initiatives for the new EV business and create a system for certified used vehicle by leveraging partner alliances

New businesses

The Digital Marketing Group was established to create new revenue opportunities through digital technology and open innovation. We will implement DX in existing business models, develop DX talents, foster a DX culture, and create more new business models.
New businesses will be developed based on both "organic (utilizing existing resources)" and "inorganic (utilizing corporate alliances and acquisitions)".
In the organic domain, we will identify opportunities in the business-to-business sector and the transition to a decarbonized society, strengthening our development of services that align with decarbonization initiatives.
In the inorganic domain, through investments and collaboration with venture companies, we will strengthen our capacities to acquire cutting-edge technologies, new products, services, and customers.

Business field future business expansion
Organic Business-to-Business Field
  • Guarantee factoring
  • Electric vehicles and environment related products (Joined MOBI)
  • Acquire capabilities through Orico Digital Fund
  • Create a new business model by collaborating with companies with cutting-edge technology (Cloud Loan)
  • Acquire new customers

Establishing a market-in sales approach

We define our market-in sales approach as "considering customers' needs and providing timely and optimal solutions, products, and services without being constrained by existing domains." We divide our customer-driven market-in sales approach into the 3 domains of "With B to C," "to B," and "to C," and provide high-value-added products, services, and solutions that go beyond existing boundaries.

With B to C
Provide value to customers by collaborating with affiliated stores Customer acquisition and development support through data mining service
  • Collaboration among member merchants based on customers
  • latent needs
to B
Providing value to affiliated stores and corporate customers
  • Respond to a wide range of member merchants needs beyond installment and settlement needs
  • Support product referrals, expand sales channels, and provide cashless products
to C
Provide value to customers through direct approach
  • Secure digital touchpoints and strengthen web promotions
  • Promote related consumption based on life events

Create new products and services through collaboration with different industries and cutting-edge companies

Through "eOrico", a web-based service for our members, we will provide a variety of services on the application using digital technology.
For example, we will create new customer experience value by introducing a digital card system for credit cards that enables instant card issuance and a negotiation system that completes the auto loan application process online.
Furthermore, we will generate synergies among members, member merchants, and external companies to build a strong relationship with customers in one-stop. We are considering providing external financial functions such as insurance, securities, and asset management, as well as exploring cross-cooperation with other companies' services.

Exploring process innovation

We will provide new customer experiences through advancing our digital communication. Additionally, we will further digitalize our business, services, and operations to improve quality and productivity, aiming to create a creative and rewarding work environment. Through such, we will promote process innovation through a three-pronged approach of "improving customer convenience", "reducing business costs", and "minimizing environmental costs".

Provide new customer experiences
Promote digital communication
Enhance web services for customers and member merchants to improve convenience and productivity
Creating a new work experience
Automate and digitalize tasks
Utilize digital technology to automate tasks, allowing employees to focus on creative and fulfilling work
Reduce business costs and environmental costs
Further paperless initiatives and digitization of cards
Reduce printing, mailing costs and the CO2 emissions from production/disposal of paper and plastic

Management foundation

Strengthening the management foundation to support growth

Our human resources (HR) strategy involves creating a diverse group of talent, building an HR foundation for the future, developing independent careers, introducing a 360-degree evaluation system, and fostering DX human resources.
To strengthen governance, we will shift to a company with an audit and supervisory committee, establish a governance structure that is compatible with the prime market, reinforce autonomous control at both domestic and international group companies, and develop a risk management system.

Strengthening the management foundation to support growth
Human resources strategy
  • Creating a diverse workforce
  • Building a human resources foundation for the future
Strengthening governance
  • Shift to a company with an audit and supervisory committee
  • Establish a governance structure that is compatible with the prime market
  • Group-based governance structure
  • Advance business portfolio management

DX Strategy supporting the medium-term management plan

3 DX strategies to become an innovative tech company

Our medium-term management plan involves three strategies for DX: "creating new business models using digital technology", "implementing DX in existing business models", and "developing DX talent and fostering a DX culture".
Through DX initiatives aimed towards becoming an innovative and advanced company, we will embody "CX (providing new customer experiences)" and "EX (evolving new work experiences)" and grow into a company that contributes to solving environmental and social issues through business.

DX Strategy

Capital structure policy

Achieve optimal balance between financial soundness, shareholder returns, and capital efficiency

Following the completion of the redemption of Class I preferred shares, we formulated a new policy for capital structure in the medium-term management plan, aiming to achieve an optimal balance between financial soundness, shareholder returns, and capital efficiency.
For shareholder returns, we are targeting a consolidated dividend payout ratio of 30%, based on stable and continuous dividend payments.