Corporate website of Orient Corporation

Information Security Basic Policy

Orient Corporation (hereinafter referred to as " we" and "us") based on its "Philosophy" and "Orico's Sustainability Statement" recognizes information security (including cyber security, hereinafter the same) as an important management issue, and has established the following "Information Security Basic Policy" to ensure and maintain the confidentiality, integrity and availability of the information assets held by us (hereinafter referred to as "Information Assets").

Established: October 1, 2013
Revised: April 1, 2024

  1. We comply with laws, guidelines, contractual requirements, and other obligations regarding the handling of information assets.
  2. We handle information assets appropriately within the scope of the specified purpose of use.
  3. We regularly assess information asset risks and implements security measures accordingly to protect against threats and enhance safety.
  4. To maintain and improve information asset security, we establish internal regulations and management systems, as well as continuously and systematically implementing physical and technical security measures.
  5. Education programs are provided to employees and individuals handling information assets, clarifying their roles, responsibilities, and emphasizing the importance of information security.
  6. We conduct security audits and self-inspections either regularly or as necessary to confirm the status of our information security measures and make necessary improvements accordingly.
  7. We establish and maintains systems and procedures to respond promptly and appropriately to emergencies related to information security.
  8. This policy is reviewed annually to consider changes in the environment for information assets, and as necessary, revisions are made in accordance with the results of information security audits and self-inspections, changes in laws and regulations, and developments in information technology.

Orient Corporation
President and Representative Director, Tetsuo Iimori