Corporate website of Orient Corporation


Environmental Basic Policy

Orient Corporation (hereinafter referred to as " we") aims to be an innovative, leading company that continues to resolve various social issues, including environment-related issues, in order to contribute to the creation of a sustainable society in which everyone can realize a fulfilling life. To achieve this goal, we have established the following " Environmental Basic Policy" in accordance with our "Philosophy" and "Orico's Sustainability Statement".

  1. Compliance with Laws and Regulations and Commitment to International Responsibility

    We will comply with domestic laws and regulations related to environmental conservation and support international environmental initiatives promoted by United Nations agencies and other organizations.

    *Domestic and international initiatives that we support: United Nations Sustainable Development Goals, United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change/Paris Agreement, Climate-related Financial Disclosure Task Force, CDP,Japan Climate Initiative,GX League,United Nations Global Compact

  2. Realization of a Decarbonized, Circular Society through Business
    1. We contribute to the realization of a decarbonized, circular society through the provision of environmentally conscious financial products and services and businesses that address social and environmental issues, both domestic and abroad.
    2. We place importance on environmental issues and strive to reduce various business risks derived from environmental pollution, climate change, and other factors.
  3. Establishment of Company-wide Environmental Targets and Thorough Employee Training
    1. In order to minimize greenhouse gas emissions and waste generation as much as possible in the course of our business activities, including financial services, we will set environmental targets and continuously improve our environment-related initiatives through various means.
    2. We strive to thoroughly educate our employees so that each and every executives and employees recognize the importance of environmental issues and proactively take environmentally conscious actions in their daily business activities.
  4. Establishment of a Supply Chain Conscious of the Natural Environment
    1. We conduct procurement in a sustainable manner, taking into consideration the impact on the environment and ecosystems.
    2. We prioritize environmentally responsible and sound suppliers for the procurement of funds and goods necessary for our business operations.
  5. Cooperation with External Stakeholders
    1. We actively enlight our business partners, including member merchants, business partners, contractors, and suppliers of goods and services regarding environmental protection, and contribute to the realization of a decarbonized and circular society in a partnership with other stakeholders.
    2. We cooperate with local governments and administrative agencies to achieve a decarbonized, circular society and in the event of natural disasters associated with climate change.

This Basic Environmental Policy is established through a resolution of the Board of Directors.