Corporate website of Orient Corporation


Basic Policy Against Anti-Social Forces

In accordance with its "Philosophy" and "Orico's Sustainability Statement", Orient Corporation (hereinafter referred to as "we") hereby establishes the following fundamental policy to unequivocally sever all connections, including transactions, with anti-social forces, specifically organized crime groups, that represent a substantial threat to the order and safety of civil society.

  1. We are fully committed to severing all relationships with anti-social forces that jeopardize societal order, safety, and impede the sound development of society and the economy. We actively promote and ensure comprehensive employee awareness regarding the severance of ties with such forces. Our employees are resolutely dedicated to addressing this issue.
  2. We adopt a comprehensive approach to address anti-social forces, from top management to the entire organization. We will also ensure the safety of employees who handle matters related to anti-social forces.
  3. To mitigate damages caused by anti-social forces, we will collaborate with external specialized organizations, including the police, the Center for Removal of Criminal Organizations, and legal experts. We will ensure coordinated and appropriate responses in cooperation with external professionals.
  4. We will not accept unreasonable demands from anti-social forces and will take legal measures, including both civil and criminal prosecution.
  5. We shall categorically abstain from providing funds or engaging in any clandestine transactions with anti-social forces, adhering to a strict policy of non-involvement.