Basic Policy for Preventing Money Laundering and Terrorist Financing
Orient Corporation (hereinafter referred to as "we") recognizes the heightened regulations regarding international money laundering and terrorist financing (ML/TF) within the financial industry in recent years. In accordance with these regulations, the prevention of ML/TF is recognized as a critical management priority. As such, we establish the following basic policy regarding ML/TF as consistent with our "Philosophy" and "Orico's Sustainability Statement".
Organizational structure
We develop an internal framework to prevent the use of our products and services (hereinafter referred to as "products/services") for ML/TF.
Management intervention
Our management team proactively engages and assumes leadership in combating money laundering and terrorist financing (ML/TF) as a crucial aspect of its core strategy.
Identification, assessment, and mitigation of ML/TF risks
Based on the types of products/services, transaction methods, countries/regions involved, customer attributes, and other relevant ML/TF issues, we identify ML/TF risks, evaluates their impact on us, and promptly implement appropriate measures to mitigate these risks according to their severity.
Customer management
We conduct transaction verification during contract application and deposit acceptance in strict accordance with applicable laws and relevant regulations concerning the prevention of the transfer of criminal proceeds. We record these verifications and effectively utilize them for ML/TF prevention.
Reporting suspicious transactions
We establish robust procedures for reporting suspicious transactions and promptly notify the relevant supervisory authorities of any detected irregularities through diligent monitoring, ensuring their appropriate handling.
Training executives and employess
We regularly conduct educational training to prevent ML/TF, aiming to enhance the knowledge and awareness of our managerial employees.
Internal audits
We frequently conduct internal audits to assess the adequacy of our measures in preventing ML/TF. Based on the results, we steadfastly strive to enhance our internal infrastructure.
Corporate Information
Corporate information top page
- Corporate information top page
- Corporate information on Orient Corporation
President’s Message
- President’s Message
- President and Representative Director explains Orient Corporation’s management policy.
Corporate Philosophy
- Corporate Philosophy
- Orient Corporation’s Vision, Policy and Code of Conduct
Management Policies
- Management Policies
- This page provides an overview of our basic management policies
Corporate Governance/Risk Management/Compliance
- Corporate Governance/Risk Management/Compliance
- Introducing Orient Corporation's corporate governance/risk management/compliance.
Corporate Overview
- Corporate Overview
- Basic information regarding Orient Corporation, including its organization of head office, access information, management and history
Orico in Figures
- Orico in Figures
- Quantitative information on businesses of Orient Corporation
Growth Strategy
- Growth Strategy
- Orient Corporation's strategies and initiatives to contribute to society and enhance corporate value.
Business Overview
- Business Overview
- Orient Corporation’s operations including its auto loans, shopping credit, and credit cards business segments