Corporate Information
Human Rights Basic Policy

This page presents Orient Corporation's approach, system and initiatives related to respect for human rights.
Human Rights Basic Policy
In line with our "Philosophy" and "Orico's Sustainability Statement", Orient Corporation (hereinafter referred to as "we") strives to contribute to society by placing importance on relationships of trust and enabling our customers to lead prosperous lives. To achieve this, we have created our Human Rights Basic Policy:.
1. Philosophy
We recognize that respecting human rights is a crucial social responsibility and strive to respect human rights in accordance with the United Nations Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights.
2. Employees, Customers, and Business Partners
- We expect all employees to respect human rights. We prohibit child labor and forced labor. We provide equal opportunities for all employees and do not tolerate discrimination or harassment based on nationality, race, age, ethnicity, religion, gender, disability, or any other grounds. We are committed to providing a safe and comfortable working environment and promoting the health and well-being of all employees. We will also create mechanisms for employees to address any concerns or issues they may have.
- In line with our Customer-Oriented Basic Policy, we strive to respond to customers in honest and fair manners, putting customers as our first priority. To safeguard the human rights of our customers, we implement appropriate measures to ensure that their personal information is handled responsibly and to prevent any potential negative impact on their rights.
- We seek understanding of this policy from our member merchants, business partners, contractors, and suppliers involved in providing goods and services, and encourages them to uphold the same respect for human rights as we do.
3. Governance
In addition to our dedicated human rights promotion office and department, we have established a Human Rights Promotion Committee to actively address and coordinate salient human rights-related risks and issues, and will create an increasingly robust framework to further promote respect for human rights. We also regularly report our human rights initiatives to the Board of Directors.
4. Human rights due diligence
We will implement a human rights due diligence framework in accordance with the United Nations Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights by identifying potential negative impacts on human rights, taking preventive and mitigative measures, and upholding accountability for these issues.
5. Remediation and corrective measures
We strive to establish and maintain effective systems for receiving consultations and addressing grievances related to human rights. In the event that our business activities are found to have negative impacts on human rights, prompt remedial and corrective actions will be taken.
6. Education and awareness
We provide appropriate education and enhances awareness of human rights to ensure that every employee embraces and respects human rights based on this policy.
7. Information disclosure
We will regularly disclose the progress of human rights initiatives. Furthermore, to ensure that we are transparent and responsible in our actions, we will seek consultation from stakeholders and make improvements when necessary.
Corporate Information
Corporate information top page
- Corporate information top page
- Corporate information on Orient Corporation
President’s Message
- President’s Message
- President and Representative Director explains Orient Corporation’s management policy.
Corporate Philosophy
- Corporate Philosophy
- Orient Corporation’s Vision, Policy and Code of Conduct
Management Policies
- Management Policies
- This page provides an overview of our basic management policies
Corporate Governance/Risk Management/Compliance
- Corporate Governance/Risk Management/Compliance
- Introducing Orient Corporation's corporate governance/risk management/compliance.
Corporate Overview
- Corporate Overview
- Basic information regarding Orient Corporation, including its organization of head office, access information, management and history
Orico in Figures
- Orico in Figures
- Quantitative information on businesses of Orient Corporation
Growth Strategy
- Growth Strategy
- Orient Corporation's strategies and initiatives to contribute to society and enhance corporate value.
Business Overview
- Business Overview
- Orient Corporation’s operations including its auto loans, shopping credit, and credit cards business segments