Corporate website of Orient Corporation

Corporate Information

Promoting Employment of People with Disabilities and Career Support for Seniors

We support individuals with disabilities to demonstrate their abilities and lead independent lives through jobs suited to their aptitudes.
We also have a reemployment system that allows employees to continue working after retirement, and we provide support to ensure each employee can make the most of their experience and knowledge.

Promoting Employment of People with Disabilities

We actively promote the employment of individuals with disabilities and take measures to ensure their workplace integration. This includes conducting interviews for fostering job retention, providing an internal handbook to enhance understanding of employees with disabilities, and organizing study sessions. By taking into consideration the type of disabilities and aptitude for work, and by creating a comfortable work environment, our employees with disabilities are able to play an active role throughout Japan.

2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
Number of persons with disabilities 87 90 96 87 87 81
Employment rate of persons with disabilities (%) 2.21 2.33 2.63 2.42 2.54 2.42
  • *as of 1st of June


As part of our efforts to promote the employment of people with disabilities, in July 2019, we began operating “Kagayaki★Farm”, a farm where people with disabilities can work. Aiming to create a farm where people with disabilities feel fulfilled and enjoy working, we respect each individual's unique and vibrant personality, and a diverse range of talents are working at the farm. At “Kagayaki★Farm”, we grow pesticide-free vegetables that are healthy for the body, distribute them to our business partners at events, and provide food to “children's cafeterias” in various local governments to support mothers and children in the community and promote health.


Career Support for Seniors

We are actively working towards creating an environment where employees can maintain their motivation and passion for work over the long term.
Specifically, we position the late 50s as the second career stage and the 60s and beyond as the third career stage, and provide life support training to help employees envision and learn about their working and living choices 5 to 10 years ahead. In addition to full-time work after the age of 60, we also offer several short-time work patterns to enable employees to work based on their preferences.

Reemployment System

Allowing employees to work up to 65 years of age after retirement

Providing Life Support Training

We provide opportunities for individuals in their second career stage to think and learn about their working and living choices 5 to 10 years ahead