Corporate Information

President’s Message

Here at Orico, we are striving to ensure that all employees are to have correct knowledge about LGBTQ+ to create a working environment where everyone can work with a sense of security. We will also continue to seek solutions to social issues through various initiatives, such as the inclusion of same-sex partners in the issuance of family cards for Orico Cards.
Initiatives Towards Customers
We have started an initiative for our customers who use our services, enabling Orico Card's family card issuance to also be available to same-sex partners.
Initiatives Towards All Employees
We aim for all employees to have a deep understanding and correct knowledge of LGBTQ+ matters, and to act without discrimination or prejudice based on sexual orientation or gender identity.
- We have established a consultation desk for LGBTQ+ related concerns and provide counseling services.
We conduct training to equip individuals with basic knowledge about LGBTQ+ matters and create a work environment where everyone feels comfortable. For executives, general managers, and presidents of group companies, we organize external training sessions conducted by guest speakers to enhance their understanding of LGBTQ+ related topics and the importance and significance of LGBTQ+ initiatives within the company.
We have created LGBTQ ALLY stickers and distribute them to employees who have undergone training, aiming to raise awareness, deepen understanding of the challenges faced by LGBTQ+ individuals, and encourage support for them.
Activities to widen Ally's circle, including participation in the Tokyo Rainbow Parade, and we are implementing various initiatives to become an LGBTQ+ friendly company.
In order to respect diverse values, we have reviewed our personnel system to include same-sex marriage as a recognized category within the scope of eligible family members.
Eligible Persons Individuals in a relationship that possesses substantial characteristics similar to a de facto marriage, equivalent to a common-law marriage, with the same legal gender recorded in the family registry (same-sex marriage). Applicable Policies - Early return-to-work allowance
- Special leave (for childbirth, marriage, bereavement leave, and relocation)
- Housing allowance
- Relocation travel expenses
- Sole relocation
- Overseas assignments
- Parental leave
- Nursing care leave
- Measures related to working hours (shorter working hours for childcare and nursing care, etc.)
- Congratulatory and condolence allowances
*Sabbatical leave available for gender reassignment surgery
Furthermore, we have implemented various environmental improvements, such as the installation of gender-neutral restrooms at the head office and head office annex, allowing anyone to use them. We also facilitate health examinations based on self-identified gender and accommodate the use of preferred names.
External Evaluations

Received the highest rating of "Gold" in the PRIDE Index, which evaluates LGBTQ+ initiatives.
For the fourth year in a row, we received the highest rating of "Gold" in the PRIDE Index 2022, an evaluation index of LGBTQ+ and other sexual minority initiatives in the corporate and other workplaces.In light of the recent increase in social awareness of LGBTQ+ issues, Orico is working to raise employee awareness and improve the workplace environment to create a workplace that is comfortable for all employees. In receiving the "Gold" award this time, Orico was recognized for its efforts to promote employee understanding through e-learning training for all employees and training for newly appointed managers to ensure that they have the correct knowledge as managers and to create an environment where employees of sexual minorities can work with a sense of security and comfort.
Related Links
- Diversity and Inclusion Head Message
- Diversity and Inclusion Policy
- Promotion of Women's Empowerment
- Achievements Related to the Action Plan|Promotion of Women's Empowerment
- Various pregnancy, childcare, and nursing care systems
- Promoting Employment of People with Disabilities and Career Support for Seniors
Corporate Information
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- President’s Message
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- Corporate Governance/Risk Management/Compliance
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Corporate Overview
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- Basic information regarding Orient Corporation, including its organization of head office, access information, management and history
Orico in Figures
- Orico in Figures
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Growth Strategy
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- Orient Corporation's strategies and initiatives to contribute to society and enhance corporate value.
Business Overview
- Business Overview
- Orient Corporation’s operations including its auto loans, shopping credit, and credit cards business segments