Corporate website of Orient Corporation

Corporate Information

Health Management Initiatives

Health Management Basic Policy

Orient Corporation (hereinafter referred to as "we") has established the following "Health Management Basic Policy" based on its "Philosophy" and "Orico's Sustainability Statement". In order to achieve our goals, it is important that our employees are both physically and mentally healthy so that they can lead vibrant lives both professionally and privately while at work.

  1. We strive to create an organizational culture that prioritizes employee well-being, with management taking the lead.
  2. We commit ourselves to the health of our employees and their families and actively support their health.
  3. We increase each employee's overall health literacy and encourage independent healthy practices through education and training related to health promotion.
  4. We create a workplace where employees can continue to work energetically and comfortably through efforts to maintain and improve their health.

Establishing a Structure

Certified as an Excellent Corporation for Health Management 2023

2023 健康経営優良法人(Health and productivity)

We have been recognized by the Japan Health Council and the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI) as a corporation with excellent health management. We will continue our efforts in health management to create a comfortable work environment and support the maintenance and promotion of physical and mental health so that each and every employee can lead a vibrant life in both their private and public lives.

Received DBJ Health Management Rating

In March 2019, we received the "DBJ Health Management Rating" (DBJ Health Rating) from the Development Bank of Japan Inc. in recognition of our "outstanding efforts to take into account the health of employees".
The DBJ Health Rating is the world's first loan menu to introduce the specialized method of Health Management Rating, which uses DBJ's proprietary evaluation system to evaluate and select companies that make excellent efforts to consider the health of their employees, and sets loan conditions according to such evaluation.